Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog Fright

I have made the decision to start (or should I say attempt) a blog. Having decided this several weeks ago, I began to painstakingly think about what I would entitle it. Oddly enough, this proved more difficult than I would have ever thought possible. I knew something like “My Blog” would be a bit pedestrian, so off the list it came. (Is it possible to be laughed right off the internet?) Sadly, that was the first thing that came to my mind when I finally decided to do this. Actually, it was more like “My Blog: The Blog Sans Readers”. Subsequently, I found myself in this weird state of near panic, which I have now decided was blog fright. Why on earth would anyone be interested in what I think or say? Who would actually read this? To my rescue, several very wise friends, who pointed out to me that one does not write a blog in the hopes that someone will read it; you just write. Having read some of the tripe out there, it wasn’t hard to determine that a lot of folks really don’t worry about that, either! :) Oh, I kid (well, somewhat)! So, having decided on my title (which will be explained in detail in another post somewhere down the line), and no longer worrying about who would read it, I realized something else entirely (said to dark, ominous, pipe organ music).

To my deep and everlasting shame, I am not in the least technologically inclined. I can barely use my cell phone half the time, and it’s a sad little dinosaur. Let’s just say I thought I was pretty hot stuff when I figured out how to use Twitter (yeah, it’s that bad). Computers have been known to commit electrical suicide when they see me coming; yet, somehow, I am going to create a blog??!?? In truth, I have that effect on all types of electronics…computers, alarm clocks, cash registers. Also, I have personally stopped more watches than I can count. But I digress…

Anyway, all the bloggers I know use this website, so I chose to use it as well. I don't think I can continue without saying, first, that I love templates! Easy, peasy…even for me! Problem solved, and rather efficiently. Easy is a marvelous thing.

All obstacles out of the way, I had no other excuse to avoid my first post. It was past time to put in my two cents worth. I sat down at my computer, and began to type. It was a lot easier than I thought, and I was beginning to think I might actually enjoy the whole blogging thing! Really, the words flowed easily, and it was quite well written and thoughtful, if I do say so myself! ;) Almost giddy with excitement (well, I had a couple of adult beverages while I wrote), I hit “post”, and then went back to look at my very first post on my very first blog, and…nothing. Literally, nothing was there. Zilch, zero, nada. My very first post on my very first blog went into my very first blog post black hole of literary death. *Sigh*. I believe I mentioned earlier my lack of technological skills??? Disappointing as it was, I cannot say it was at all surprising. I also believe that I may have forgotten to mention that I have a tendency to be forgetful. ;) As you may have surmised, I had not saved it. *Deep sigh*.

Ah, well. After I save this in Word, and paste it here, I will go back and try to look at my very *second* post on my very first blog (doesn't that sound like a child's toy? My Very First Blog by Fischer-Price). And, hopefully, said with fingers crossed, it will be there.

Until the next pause in the action,


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